Smallfry vs Magikarp Bonus Blog | Grim Gladiators

Bonus Blog!

This blog is a follow up to my Smallfry vs Magikarp blog, which went over the MU using wild Magikarp / Gyarados. While I do think that is the better route for the MU to take, I did want to cover my bases here. So, this follow up explores the possibility of trained Pokemon instead, and what that would mean for this MU in particular. Because of that, I recommend reading over the original blog first as this one only covers the trained-exclusive stuff, and doesn’t look over Smallfry’s stuff either. Additionally, this doesn't have a fight script attached.



Held Items

Trainers can give a number of items to their Pokemon to hold in battle, with various effects:

  • Berries are one of the most versatile categories, with all kinds of restorative powers. They can remove status effects, heal HP, reduce damage taken from super effective attacks, raise stats, increase Critical Hit rates, make attacks guaranteed to hit or happen faster, damage attackers and restore PP

  • Power Items are special weights that will increase a Pokemon’s stat increases they gain in battle, but reduces their speed by half

  • EXP Items increase or share EXP earned in battles

  • Gems increase the power of a move of the corresponding type by 30%, using up the gem in the process

  • Plates are special items that boost the power of all moves of the corresponding type by 20%.

  • Type-Enhancing items are a series of items that increase the power of moves of the corresponding type by 20%.

  • Choice items increase a Pokemon’s stat by 50% but restricts them to using only the first move they use in battle

  • The Ability Shield prevents the holder’s Ability from being affected or changed by others

  • The Air Balloon makes the holder immune to Ground Type attacks until they are hit

  • The Amulet Coin increases the money earned from battles

  • The Assault Vest increases the holder’s Special Defense by 50%, but prevents them from using Status moves

  • The Berserk Gene increases Attack but causes Confusion

  • Big Root increases the potency of Draining moves

  • Binding Band increases the power of Binding moves such as Wrap or Whirlpool

  • Black Sludge restores health to the holder… if they are Poison type. Otherwise, it does damage to them

  • Blunder Policy increases the holder’s Speed if they miss an attack

  • Bright Powder makes the user harder to hit

  • Covert Cloak protects the holder from the secondary effects of moves, such as the Burn effects of Scald

  • Damp Rock extends the duration of Rain summoned by the holder

  • Destiny Knot causes any Pokemon that causes the holder to be infatuated with them to also become infatuated with the holder

  • The Eject Button causes the holder to switch out of battle if they ever get hit with an attack

  • The Eject Pack is similar, but activates if the holder’s stats ever get lowered

  • Expert Belt increases the power of any Super Effective attack the holder lands

  • The Flame Orb burns the holder. Good for Abilities such as Guts

  • The Float Stone halves the Weight of the holder

  • The Focus Band allows the holder to survive an attack that would otherwise cause them to faint, although it’s only a 12% chance

  • The Focus Sash is the same, but with a guaranteed effect

  • The Grip Claw increases the duration of multi-turn attacks like Wrap

  • Heat Rock extends the effects of Sunny Day

  • Heavy Duty Boots prevent any traps being set up on the Battlefield

  • Icy Rock extends the duration of Hailstorm or Snowscape

  • The Iron Ball reduces Speed by half, and makes flying types able to get hit by ground-type attacks

  • King’s Rock gives the holder a chance to Flinch any Pokemon they hit with any attack

  • Lagging Tail makes the holder much slower, always acting last

  • Lax Incense reduces the accuracy of all moves targeting the holder

  • Leftovers restores a small amount of HP to the user at the end of every turn

  • The Life Orb increases the power of all moves at the cost of some HP every time a move lands

  • Light Clay extends the duration of Reflect and Light Screen

  • Luck Incense increases the amount of Money earned in battle

  • The Macho Brace increases the stat gains of the holder, but reduces their speed

  • The Mental Herb cures Infatuation

  • Metronome boosts the power of one of the Holder’s moves if they use the same move consecutively

  • The Mirror Herb copies the first stat increase of an enemy Pokemon

  • The Muscle Band increases the power of physical attacks

  • The Power Herb allows moves with a charge turn, such as Solar Beam, to charge and fire in a

  • single turn, but only once

  • Protective Pads protects the holder from effects activated by touching a target Pokemon

  • Quick Claw gives the holder a chance to act first regardless of it’s speed

  • The Razor Claw increases the Critical Hit rate of the holder

  • The Razor Fang gives moves that don’t have a chance to cause Flinching a 10% chance to Flinch

  • The Red Card is an item to causes the first Pokemon to attack the holder to be switched out

  • The Ring Target causes the holder to lose all type immunities.

  • Rocky Helmet causes any Pokemon that physically attacks the holder to take damage

  • Room Service lowers the speed of the holder if Trick Room is used. This sounds detrimental,

  • but Trick Room reverses the speed order, making slower Pokemon act first

  • Safety Goggles prevents the effects of Powder and Spore moves on the holder, as well as reducing damage from Sandstorms

  • Scope Lense increases the holder’s Critical Hit rate

  • Shed Shell allows the holder to switch out, even when under effects that would otherwise trap them in battle

  • The Shell Bell restores HP every time the holder deals damage

  • The Smoke Ball allows the holder to escape from battles with Wild Pokemon regardless of trapping moves or abilities

  • The Smooth Rock extends Sandstorms summoned by the user

  • Sticky Barb damages the holder every turn, but whenever they are physically attacked it may stick to the attacker instead

  • Terrain Extender increases the duration of any terrain effects they cause

  • Throat Spray increases the power of all sound-based moves

  • The Toxic Orb poisons the holder

  • The Utility Umbrella protects the holder from all weather effects

  • The White Herb restores the first stat to get lowered in battle to its original state

  • The Wide Lens increases the accuracy of all moves

  • Wise Glasses increases the power of all Special moves by 10%

  • Zoom Lens increases the holder’s Crit Rate against Pokemon that have already used a move in the same turn

  • Z-Crystals allow the Pokemon to use Z-Moves of the corresponding types, which will be looked at later

Battle Items

Trainers themselves will also hold onto various items that they can use in battle, letting them do all kinds of crazy shit to their Pokemon mid battle, from healing them to buffing them. These include:

  • HP Restoration: items such as Potions can restore HP to a trainer’s Pokemon mid-battle

  • Status Effect Removal: These items can remove one or more Status Effects mid battle. For an example, the Antidote will cure Poison.

  • Revival: These items can pick a Pokemon back up after they Faint in battle. Max Revives bring a fainted Pokemon back with full HP

  • PP Restoration: Items such as the Ethers and Elixers restore PP to a Pokemon’s moves, essentially restoring their Stamina mid-battle

  • Stat Increases: Vitamins, Feathers and Pills can be used to increase the stats of a Pokemon mid-battle

  • Ability Capsules allow trainers to swap between a Pokemon’s abilities in battle. For example, they could swap Gyarados’ Intimidate to Moxie.

  • Berries can also be used by Trainers mid battle, with the same effects as if they were held by a Pokemon, just without the automatic activation.



Gyaradosite is a Mega Stone, and allows a Pokemon that has formed a bond with its trainer to Mega
Evolve, achieving a temporary, more powerful form for the remainder of the battle. This is Mega
Evolution, and greatly increases Gyarados’ stats, as well as increasing the size of its fins and spines.
Additionally, it pulls all of Gyarados’ violence and destructiveness to the surface, completely obscuring
any other emotion, making it even angrier than normal. This increase in anger also swaps its Flying
Type for Dark Type, which when combined with its Water type makes Gyarados resist Ghost, Steel,
Fire, Water, Ice and Dark type attacks, as well as Immune to Psychic. But it also becomes weak to
Fighting, Bug, Grass, Electric and Fairy attacks.



Trainer exclusive moves

With a TM (Or Move Tutor depending on the generation) , Magikarp can learn Bounce, a Flying
Type move that has them Bounce high up, then drop back down on the next turn, evading
attacks and potentially leaving the target with Paralysis. Has an Attack of 85 and an Accuracy of 85.

Then with a TR, Magikarp can learn Hydro Pump, one of the most powerful water moves out
there, blasting the opponent with an extremely pressurised stream of water. Has an Attack of
110 and an Accuracy of 80.

Special Event Magikarp can use Celebrate and Happy Hour. Celebrate has Magikarp
congratulate you and nothing else, and Happy Hour increases the money earned after the battle


TM Moves

  • Toxic is a pretty simple move, and has Gyarados form a poisonous projectile and lob it at a target, Poisoning them.

  • Body Slam is a powerful normal type move that has Gyarados leap up and slam down on it’s target, dealing damage with a 30% chance to Paralyse them

  • Take Down is another powerful normal type move, but with it’s great power comes a drawback: recoil damage, dealing ¼ of the damage back to Gyarados

  • Double-Edge is a similar move, but even stronger, but also with more recoil damage, dealing ⅓ of the damage back to Gyarados

  • Bubble Beam a Water Type move, this attack has Gyarados shoot a beam of bubbles at the target. On a hit, it has a 10% chance to lower their speed by 1 stage

  • Water Gun is a basic water-type move, dealing a bit of damage with high accuracy

  • Ice Beam is exactly what it says on the tin, an attack that has the user form an orb of ice power and fire it as a beam towards the target. Like many Ice moves, it has a 10% chance to Freeze the target.

  • Blizzard has Gyarados conjure a small snowstorm, blasting the target with the full might of it. This is the strongest ice type attack, and has a 10% chance to freeze on hit.

  • Rage is a move you’d think Gyarados could learn naturally, but it makes Gyarados enter an enraged state and attack the target. The more Gyarados uses this attack, the more powerful the attack becomes. If Gyarados is attacked while in this enraged state, its Attack is increased by 1 stage

  • Thunderbolt a simple Electric type attack, this has Gyarados shoot lightning at the target. It has a 10% chance to Paralyse on hit

  • Thunder is not a move about making a loud sound. Instead it has Gyarados summon a lightning bolt down on the target. This is a more powerful, but less accurate, version of Thunderbolt, complete with the 10% chance to Paralyse

  • Mimic has Gyarados copy the last move it’s opponent used, and keep using it until the end of the battle

  • Double Team has Gyarados create an illusory copy of itself, by moving very quickly. This raises Gyarados’ evasiveness, able to avoid attacks easier

  • Reflect has Gyarados erect a barrier of light that reduces the damage of all incoming physical attacks by half

  • Bide has Gyarados enter an idle state, biding its time. After 2 turns pass, Gyarados will attack back with double the damage dealt to it in those 2 turns.

  • Fire Blast is a powerful fire attack, launching a massive amount of scorching flames at the target, dealing a lot of damage and having a 10% chance to inflict Burn

  • Skull Bash has Gyarados rear back for a turn, then slam its head into the opponent on its next turn, dealing massive damage.

  • Rest has Gyarados fall asleep. This renders it unable to attack until it wakes back up, but it will also fully restore Gyarados’ health

  • Substitute has Gyarados create a substitute doll which will endure attacks on Gyarados’ behalf until it runs out of its own HP. However, using this move requires 25% of Gyarados’ max HP

  • Surf has Gyarados summon a large wave of water, hitting all other Pokemon in battle

  • The move Strength has Gyarados simply attack the enemy. Many of the descriptions feature punching, which Gyarados cannot do due to lacking arms, so either it’s using something like its tail, or perhaps it summons arms with which to punch exclusively for this move. It also allows Gyarados to push around boulders.

  • Headbutt has Gyarados hit things with its head. It also has a 30% chance to make the opponent Flinch

  • Curse has Gyarados place a curse upon itself, dropping its Speed stat by one stage but raising both its Attack and Defence stats by 1 each.

  • Roar has Gyarados unleash a mighty bellow, scaring its target off of the battlefield. Typically, this forces a trainer to swap out for another Pokemon, but can also send wild Pokemon running if they aren’t stronger than Gyarados.

  • Zap Cannon is an extremely powerful Electric type attack, forming electrical energy into a ball and firing it like a canon. It’s got a very high power, and will always paralyse the target if it connects. However, it’s accuracy is a staggeringly low 50%

  • Rock Smash has Gyarados attack the target. Similar to Strength, this is also described as a punch. Unlike Strength, this move can also be used to smash boulders, getting rid of them entirely.

  • Hidden Power is complicated. Not only is this move seemingly random, it’s also changed numerous times. Originally, the power and even Type of the move would vary depending on the IVs of the user, meaning this move ranged from pathetically weak to respectable, and can be basically any type. The power was eventually changed to be consistently pretty decent in Gen 6 and 7 before being removed in 8. However, it remains in Pokemon Legends: Arceus, where it instead changes to doing the damage that would be the most super effective on the target. The attack itself is generally an energy wave of sorts

  • Snore can only be used if Gyarados is asleep, deals a bit of damage and has a 30% chance to make the target flinch

  • Icy Wind is also a pretty direct move, having Gyarados summon a very cold wind that will hit all nearby opponents, and lowers their Speed by 1 stage on hit

  • Protect has Gyarados defend itself, preventing all damage. In game, this is what’s known as a “Priority” move, and will ignore an opponent’s higher speed stat (if it is higher than Gyarados’) to activate before their moves happen. If Gyarados repeatedly uses this move, it is viable to fail, leaving them open to attacks.

  • Endure has Gyarados tank any incoming attacks, and survive with at least 1 HP remaining. Like Protect, this is also a priority move, and will likely fail if used repeatedly.

  • Frustration is a move that increases in power the lower Gyarados’ Friendship is with its trainer. Frankly if your Pokemon can use this effectively you probably don’t deserve to call yourself a trainer.

  • Dragon Breath is a Dragon Type attack that has Gyarados breathe raw draconic magical power at its target, dealing damage and having a 30% chance to Paralyse them.

  • Return is the reverse of Frustration, increasing in power the higher the Friendship Gyarados has with its trainer.

  • Swagger has Gyarados unleash its moves, which inflicts Confusion on a target, as well as increasing their Attack stat by 2 stages. This leaves them ripe to strike themselves and deal big damage, but can also let them strike back much harder than they could otherwise.

  • Sleep Talk allows Gyarados to act while it is asleep. Using this move while Gyarados is asleep will randomly select one of Gyarados’ other moves and use it immediately.

  • Sandstorm has Gyarados summon a deadly Sandstorm, covering the battlefield in sand and wind. Any Pokemon in play that isn’t Steel, Rock or Ground type will take damage from the whipping sands over time while the sandstorm is in play. This includes Gyarados.

  • Attract has Gyarados attempt to seduce their target. If the target has the opposite gender of the target, and isn’t Oblivious, they will become infatuated with Gyarados, making it unlikely for them to attack until the effect wears off.

  • Water Pulse generates a blast of water fired in a form that resembles a sound wave, and generally has a 20% chance to confuse the target. In Pokemon Legends: Arceus, this attack instead never misses.

  • Hail has Gyarados summon a Hailstorm that rains down chunks of ice to all Pokemon in battle. Anyone who isn’t Ice type will take damage over time while this is in effect

  • Taunt has Gyarados enrage the target with a taunt, making them only able to use attacking moves, i.e. no moves that don’t deal direct damage, for the next few turns.

  • Earthquake has Gyarados summon a mighty quake, dealing big Ground Type damage to allother Pokemon in play

  • Flamethrower is a classic Fire Type attack, and has Gyarados shoot a stream of flames at the target. Like many fire attacks, this has a 10% chance to Burn the target

  • Torment is similar to Taunt, but instead of making the target unable to use status moves, this instead makes them unable to use the same move twice in a row.

  • Facade is a normal type attack that has doubled power if the user is Poisoned, Burned or Paralysed

  • Secret Power is sort of like Hidden Power, but instead of changing type and power, this move changes what effects it can inflict depending on the location the move is used in. These effects include Paralysis, Poison, Confusion, Flinching, or lowering Speed, Defence or Attack Stat one stage

  • Dive is the water type equivalent to Dig, with Gyarados submerging itself underwater immediately, making it unable to be attacked with most moves, before re-emerging right into the target on the second turn.

  • Dragon Pulse has Gyarados generate a shockwave of raw Dragon energy from its mouth, dealing lots of damage. In Pokemon Legends Arceus, this attack never misses

  • Payback is a Dark Type attack that has double the power if the target attacks before the user. Additionally, it also works if they use an item.

  • Giga Impact is a powerful Normal Type attack that uses so much of the user’s power that they have to recharge on their next turn.

  • Stone Edge is a simple Rock type attack that has high power, 80% accuracy, and a high critical hit ratio.

  • Avalanche is an Ice type attack that has double power if Gyarados has been attacked, and damaged on the same turn

  • Thunder Wave is an Electric type attack that doesn’t deal much damage, but will always Paralyse the target on hit

  • Captivate has Gyarados charm the target, and if they’re opposite gender to the user their Special Attack falls by 2 stages

  • Dark Pulse unleashes Gyarados’ dark thoughts as an aura of ill intent, dealing Dark Type damage to a target that has a 20% chance to make them flinch. In Pokemon Legends: Arceus, this move never misses

  • Natural Gift has Gyarados turn its held Berry, if it’s holding one, into an energy attack, with the damage type determined by the held berry. The specifics can be seen here

  • Round has Gyarados attack the target with song. The more teammates join in, the more powerful the song becomes

  • Scald has Gyarados blast the foes with boiling water, dealing Water-type damage with a 30% chance to Burn them

  • Incinerate has Gyarados attack the target with flames destroying any Berries or Gems they’re holding

  • Bulldoze has Gyarados slam the ground, striking nearby foes with Ground Type damage. On hit, this attack lowers the Speed of targets by 1 stage

  • Dragon Tail has Gyarados charge dragon energy into its tail and strike the target. On hit, they’re forced to exit the battle, forcing the opposing trainer to swap another Pokemon in. This is a rare example of a move with Negative Priority, meaning it will always act last when used in battles

  • Confide has Gyarados tell the target a secret, which forces the opponent to lose their concentration, lowering their Special Attack stat by 1 stage Brutal Swing is a Dark Type attack that has Gyarados violently swing its body into everything around it, dealing damage to all of them.

  • Outrage has Gyarados enter a rampage, attacking continuously and viciously. However, after 2 to 3 turns, they will become fatigued, and end up Confused.

  • Iron Tail is an Steel Type attack that has Gyarados strike targets with its tail, imbued with metallic power to deal damage. It also has a 30% chance to lower the target’s Defence stat.

  • Uproar has Gyarados cause an Uproar, making so much noise that no-one on the field can fall Asleep, while also damaging Pokemon around it. It continues making this uproar for 3 turns.

  • Muddy Water has Gyarados fire muddy water at the target, dealing damage with a 30% chance to lower the target’s Accuracy

  • Power Whip is a Grass Type attack that is very powerful, but lacking accuracy. It has Gyarados attack with its tail, imbued with grassy power.

  • Iron Head is a Steel Type attack that has Gyarados slam its head into the target, having a 30% chance to Flinch the target.

  • Chilling Water is a Water type attack that has Gyarados blast freezing cold water at the target, dealing damage and lowering their Attack by 1 stage

  • Sunny Day has Gyarados clear the sky, letting the sun shine down on the battlefield. While the sun is shining bright, no Pokemon can be frozen, and the power of all Fire Type attacks is doubled, and Water Type attacks are halved. It also makes any moves that draw power from the Sun more effective, such as Synthesis.

  • Helping Hand is a priority move that has Gyarados assist an ally on the field causing their attack to deal 50% more damage

  • Tera Blast has Gyarados focus its Tera Type into an energy blast, dealing damage of that type. This move will use either Gyarados’ Attack or Special attack stats depending on which one would deal more damage.

  • Spite is a Ghost Type move that removes 4 PP of the move the target Pokemon last used, reducing the amount of times said Pokemon can use that move.

  • Lash Out is a Dark-Type attack that has good power and accuracy already, but it’s power is double to a whopping 150 if Gyarados has had it’s stats lowered on the same turn

  • Scale Shot is a Dragon Type move that has Gyarados shoot scales at the target 2 to 5 times. This does a bit of damage, and additionally raises Gyarados’ speed stat by 1 stage, but reduces its Defence by 1 stage as well.

TCG Exclusive Move

Gyarados has 40 card appearances in the Pokemon Trading Card Game, but only one of those cards has an otherwise unused move: Lance’s Gyarados, which can use Wrap. This move deals 10 damage, and initiates a coin flip. If successful, the target Pokemon becomes Paralyzed. The in-game description for this move explains that this is literally Gyarados coiling around and constricting the target, almost like a snake.

Mega Evolution

If their trainer is holding a Keystone and Gyarados has Gyaradosite, they can achieve Mega Evolution, temporarily transforming into a more powerful version of Gyarados. Mega Gyarados is a Water Dark type Pokemon, meaning it takes half damage from Fire, Water, Ice, Ghost, Dark and Steel type attacks, but takes Double damage from Electric, Grass, Fighting, Bug and Fairy type attacks, and is completely immune to Psychic type attacks. Additionally, it gains the Mould Breaker ability, making it’s moves unable to be affected by their foes abilities. For example, if they used Earthquake on a Pokemon with Levitate (which makes Pokemon immune to Ground Type moves), the attack would still connect as normal.


Well trained Magikarp and Gyarados can work alongside their Trainer to activate Z-Moves, super powerful attacks that devastate all opponents.

  • Breakneck Blitz. The Normal-Type Z-Move, this is essentially a super-powered version of Tackle, using the Z-Power to gain speed and slam into their opponent.

  • Supersonic Skystrike. The Flying type Z-Move, Magikarp uses Z-Power to fly upwards, then careen back down into their opponent.

  • Hydro Vortex. Using Z-Power, Magikarp gathers water into a massive whirling current to swallow the target.

  • Black Hole Eclipse summons a massive dark orb of raw power sucking in targets and dealing massive damage

  • Devastating Drake nukes the target with a massive explosion of draconic energyGigavolt Havoc summons a massive and powerful lightning blast that shocks the target

  • Inferno Overdrive summons a massive ball of flames that engulfs the target.

  • Supersonic Skystrike has the user fly up into the sky and slam back down at full speed, dealing massive damage

  • Bloom Doom summons a massive, flower shaped blast of raw life energy under the target

  • Tectonic Rage pulls the battle underground and collapses a massive amount of dirt upon the target

  • Subzero Slammer encases the target in a massive block of ice by reducing the temperature of the area greatly

  • Continental Crush summons a massive mountain shaped rock above the target, which falls down and crushes them

  • Corkscrew Crash has the user cover themselves in metal shards before spinning rapidly into the target


In the Galar Region, Magikarps and Gyarados can be infused with Dynamax energy to grow to massive size and enhanced power, as well as supercharging its moves. The moves it has available are based on the moves it knows normally.

  • Max Strike. This move hits the opponent with a pillar of Energy, lowering their speed.

  • Max Airstream. This move fires off a whirlwind of wind forwards, blasting foes away and raising the user’s speed.

  • Max Guard. This move creates a shield of energy for Magikarp, defending against any attack, although it will likely fail if used repeatedly.

  • Max Geyser shoots a beam of water at the foe, which then explodes on hit, dealing massive damage and creating rain.

  • Max Wrymwind. The Dragon type dynamax move, this has the user summon a whirlwind of draconic energy around their opponent, lowering their attack stat.

  • Max Flare is the Fire type Dynamax move, and shoots a massive stream of flames that could cover even the largest Pokemon in fire. This causes the Sun to shine brightly, similar to Sunny Day

  • Max Lightning is the Electric type Dynamax attack, summoning a Lighting bolt down that could light up a mountain and makes the terrain electric, boosting the power of Electric type attacks

  • Max Hailstorm is the Ice Type dynamax attack, calling down a massive chunk of ice upon the target, and summoning a continuous hailstorm for 5 turns.

  • Max Rockfall is the Rock type Dynamax attack, pulling up a massive stone pillar that falls upon the target, crushing them and shattering, filling the air with so much sand that all Pokemon take damage from a Sandstorm for 5 turns.

  • Max Quake is the Ground type Dynamax attack, and shakes and splits the earth beneath the target, while increasing the Special Defence of the user’s team

  • Max Darkness is the Dark Type Dynamax attack, and shoots twin streams of dark energy that creates a dark explosion to consume the target, lowering it’s Special Defence

  • Max Overgrowth is the Grass type Dynamax attack, firing three giant seeds that sprout into mushrooms tall enough to tower over the forests, and creating Grassy Terrain the powers up all Grass Type attacks

  • Max Steelspike is the Steel type Dynamax move, summoning a swarm of massive metal spikes around the battlefield and under the target, dealing massive damage and raising the Defence stat of the user’s team.


In the Paldea region Magikarp and Gyarados can be “Terastalised” with Tera Orb, giving them a special hat that represents their new type and gives them a shiny, gem-like appearance. While Teraltilised they gain a “Same Type Attack Bonus” (or STAB) on moves using their new type, as well as their original type(s), making them 1.5 times stronger. They also gain resistance to their new type’s elemental resistances. As of right now, wild Gyarados have been found with the Dragon Tera Type, but with the right Tera Shard they can be given any of the other types as well. This can include their natural types of Water or Flying, which can give them a stacked STAB bonus of 2x.




As Magikarp:

  • A well trained Magikarp is still not particularly powerful, but they can leap Large distances pretty handily. In addition, they can actually learn moves via TMs like Hydro Pump.
  • In Magikarp Jump, trained Magikarp can jump so high that they create fish shaped holes in the ground, which would require 148 Megajoules, or Small Building level.

As Gyrados:

  • Silver’s Gyarados could battle the Legendary Beast, Entei, in the Pokemon Adventures manga. Entei is capable of causing Volcanic Eruptions by barking
  • Red’s Gyarados, known as Gyara, in the Pokemon Adventures Manga could battle:
    • Ho-oh, while it was under the control of Team Rocket, although it didn’t win it was able to hold Ho-oh off long enough to get reinforcements
    • Organism No. 2, a Deoxys, managing to survive its Psycho Boost attack if barely.
      • Deoxys can control the Grand Meteor Delta, which has a KE of 897 Zettatons of TNT or Planet Level
      • Organism No.2 was also able to battle and severely wound base Mewtwo
  • Lance’s Gyarados could stalemate Kyogre with a Hyper Beam
    • Kyogre is implied to be able to flood the planet, which would require 4.35 Petatons of TNT, Continent Level
    • Kyogre is the equal to Groudon, who raised the continents which would require 35.6 - 295 Petatons of TNT, Multi-Continental Level
  • When Dynamaxed Lance’s Gyarados was able to battle Leon’s Gigantamaxed Charizard, although it ultimately lost
  • Lance’s Gyarados could also battle Diantha’s Gourgeist, although it also lost in part due to her Aurorus’ setup moves
  • Misty’s Gyarados can match Ash’s Pikachu, a Pokemon Gyarados is 4 times weak to. At this point Ash’s Pikachu had fought:
    • Kyogre, managing to deflect it’s Hydro Pump with a Thunderbolt
    • Pikachu has fought and defeated numerous Legendary Pokemon, including Regice, Latios, and Silvally
    • Pikachu would also go on to defeat Tapu Koko in the same series, who could battle Necrozma.
      • Necrozma could absorb all the light in Ultra Space, and also Illuminate all of it, both of which would put it at 1.19 Zettafoe and 2.75 KiloFoe respectively, both Solar System Level
  • Theoretically a Trainer could take Gyarados with them to the end of any of the Pokemon titles, as the line has appeared in every game, which would allow them to fight and scale to basically any legendary including the likes of the Creation Trio, who created the infinite Pokemon Multiverse. This would allow Gyarados to hit levels up to Multi+
    • It’s also worth noting many other legendary and trained Pokemon are comparable to Creation Trio members in games such as Pokemon Masters as well as the Rainbow Rocket sections in Pokemon Ultra Sun / Pokemon Ultra Moon.
  • Gyarados’s stronger forms, mainly Mega Evolution and Dynamax, should be much stronger. Mega Evolution specifically increases its total stats by 18.5%, and specifically increases its attack stat by about 25%.



  • Trained Magikarp can actually get fast enough to compete with other Pokemon, potentially able to match feats like Barry’s Empoleon blocking a Signal Beam attack (0.38c) Relativistic


  • As mentioned, Red’s Gyarados can fight Organism No.2, a Deoxys. Deoxys travelled to Earth from the edge of the Milky Way in 10 days (986,174 c) MFTL+ (Debateable)
    • Lance’s Gyarados could battle with Kyogre, which is likely also comparable to Deoxys via Rayquaza
  • Misty’s Gyarados could keep up with Pikachu, and could likely at least downscale from Tapu Koko, who could battle Necrozma.
    • Necrozma is equal if not superior to Lunala and Solgaleo, who could travel through Ultra Space at high speeds (1.07 Billion c) MFTL+
  • Much like with power, Gyarados can theoretically match even stronger Legendaries with proper training, such as the Creation Trio, either by being used in Gen IV or in Rainbow Rocket. This could potentially get Gyarados up to potentially Infinite Speeds
  • Gyarados’ stronger forms, such as Mega or Dynamax should be reasonably faster. While it’s speed stat technically remains the same, it’s stats as a whole increase by 18.5%



  • Trained Magikarp can not only jump insanely high, they can also survive cratering theground when they land (148 Megajoules) Small Building Level.


  • As mentioned earlier, various Gyarados can fight against legendary Pokemon, as well asother Pokemon in a similar ballpark. This includes taking hits from them, letting them scale to:

Versatility: Trained Magikarp gain many extra moves, but Gyarados gain so much from being trained.
Over 70 moves, many of which are different types, more stat buffs and debuffs, additional status effects
like paralysis, Gyarados has a fair bit of versatility available to it.

Hacks: As mentioned, Gyarados can affect stats, and inflict status effects, as well as resisting various
elemental attacks and the effects of pollution

Weaknesses: Magikarp is still weak to Grass and Electric type attacks, Gyarados gains a weakness to
Rock and a double weakness to Electric. Mega Gyarados is weak to Electric, Grass, Fighting, Bug and
Fairy type attacks due to being Water / Dark type. Both Gyarados and Mega Gyarados are still quite
angry at the core, but their fury is somewhat tamed when well trained, able to be contained much easier.



Starting off fairly simple: Stats. Smallfry is at the same level as before, but Magikarp is likely vaguely stronger than before, and likely much faster. Exactly how much is unclear, but given they were already even without Magikarp being trained, it stands to reason that a trained Magikarp would simply be greater.

In terms of the big fish, Hugefry is also at the same level, being Multi-Continental at around 5 to 8 Exatons. For Gyarados, there are multiple examples of trained Gyarados to look at. Many have taken on Legendary Pokemon, who themselves have varying levels of power. Lance’s could stalemate Kyogre, Manga Red’s could survive attacks from Deoxys, Misty’s could take on Ash’s Pikachu who itself has numerous wins over legendaries. And this is before accounting for the fact any trainer who decides they want a Gyarados to be on their team to fight whoever can just. Do so. Including against Arceus, the literal creator god of the multiverse. So in short, stats mostly comes down to which trainer / trainers Gyarados you use. As is, Hugefry does out-muscle some of these Pokemon, namely Entei’s volcano barks, Lugia’s storm, Kyogre’s flood and Groudon’s continent raise, and is much lower than others, such as Deoxys’ Meteor, Necrozma’s light and any potential scaling to the Creation trio. Speed is a bit of a different case. Not only do trained Gyarados have more reason to scale to Rela - Light Speed, which is already well beyond Hugefry's Massively Hypersonic speeds, depending on the Gyarados used, they can scale to legendaries speed feats, some of which get massively faster than light speed. For a specific example, if you used Lance's Gyarados, Hugefry would be 27.29 times stronger (Gyarados being compared to Groudon and Kyogre), and at least 127 times slower, potentially far more. When paired with Gyarados' stat altering abilities, this gap can likely be circumvented Gyarados, especially with a trainer on it's side. Most notable Gyarados trainers tend to be at least mostly comparable to Hugefry's stats, if not higher.


Regardless of the stats used, this section handily goes to Magikarp / Gyarados. This was already heavily favouring Gyarados without trainer abilities, adding on all the other stuff Gyarados can get from being well trained is just kinda overdoing it. Over 70 more moves, including more ways to mess with stats, more status effects to apply, more AoE attacks, more STAB moves, the ability to add more types with Terastilization, or become more powerful with Mega Evolution or Dynamax… this category handily goes to Gyarados. Hugefry has a couple abilities, and could be given other Salmonid powers to give them something but it simply pales in comparison to Gyarados’ arsenal. Especially since, as mentioned in the original blog, Gyarados can increase it's own AP 4 times, and decrease Hugefry's 4 times, which would be enough to turn the gap between Lance's Gyarados and Hugefry from 27.3 times (295 Petatons vs 8050 Petatons) to just 1.7 times (1180 Petatons vs 2012.5 Petatons). Which, when combined with an over 100 times speed gap before stat buffs, is handily in Gyarados' favour. Not to mention that Gyarados also gains access to alternate ways to deal damage, such as Poison with TM moves like Toxic, which can potentially circumvent the AP gap.

Tertiary Factors

In terms of experience and skill, Gyarados takes this too. While I haven’t specified any one trainer, pretty much any competent trainer would take experience for this kind of battle over Hugefry and Agent 3. Agent 3 has experience with Turf War Competitions and Splatfests, as well as their time as a scavenger even before their a big journey in the Return of the Mammalians campaign, but they have very little experience in a monster battle like this. Hugefry has one fight against Mr. Grizz under their metaphorical belt, meaning they would also lack the experience or skill to keep up with a well-trained Gyarados. There is one small advantage in there though. Most Pokemon trainers aren’t necessarily quite as competent a fighter as Agent 3 would be, and some could potentially even lose a 1v1… at least in terms of skill. However, the main factors would still go to Gyarados and their trainer.


Magikarp / Gyarados


  • Most notable Trainer Gyarados are similar in strength, if not far stronger, than Hugefry
  • Faster regardless of higher-end speeds
  • Much more versatile
  • Any notable trainer is going to be more well-equipped for a monster duel like this than Agent 3, both in gear and experience


  • Trainers are less equipped for a direct fight than Agent 3

Smallfry / Hugefry


  • Hugefry has higher AP than many Legendaries Gyarados can scale to
  • Hugefry could beat trainers with less notable wins (such as Silver or James)...
  • Agent 3 is a more capable combatant than most trainers…


  • Slower regardless of specific trainers
  • Much less versatile
  • Agent 3 has less experience and gear for monster battles like this
  • ... Most notable trainers have enough feats and scaling to win, even with an AP gap
  • ... But Agent 3 is also not ready to face down a deadly Pokemon like Gyarados

Overall: This battle is somewhat dependant on who Gyarados comes alongside for the battle, but unless that who is Silver or James, Gyarados' AP can get high enough to match Hugefry's impressive scaling, especially with stat buffs, if not outright surpass the big fish. For a quick summary of the notable trainers and their Gyarados:

James. After getting frustrated with his Magikarp, James tried to give it up, which caused it to evolve on the spot and try to take him out. Because it left him immediately after, this one would essentially be a wild Pokemon, see the original blog for my verdict there.

Silver. Silver's Gyarados' most notable battle is going up against the Legenedary Entei. Unfortunately, Entei doesn't have much in terms of feats that would put it significantly beyond a wild Gyarados. Even scaling Entei from Lugia's Country level feat through Moltres, Hugefry would be over 700 Thousand times stronger, which would be a bit too large to overcome, even with stat buffs and a large speed edge.

Lance. This is where Gyarados starts taking the wins. While scaling to Groudon and Kyogre is still weaker than Hugefry by 27.29 times, with Gyarados' stat alterations and speed edge, this can be reduced to a far less significant 1.7 times. From there, Gyarados' sheer speed and versatility would be able to overwhelm and easily wear down Hugefry. Hell, even without altering the stats too much, Gyarados would likely still be able to wear down Hugefry due to these factors. 

Red (Manga). While Gyara isn't equal to Deoxys, it being able to survive a confrontation at all is impressive, and helpful here since Deoxys can scale to 897 Zettatons, which is over 111 Thousand times greater than Hugefry's AP. Even if Gyara was thousands of times weaker than Deoxys, he'd still be at worst comparable in AP if not greater, which means his greater speed and versatility would let him win.

Misty. Misty's Gyarados was able to compete with Ash's Pikachu, who's comparable to basically every legendary previously mentioned, which is already a good start, but additionally Pikachu would go on to battle Tapu Koko, who can battle Necrozma. Necrozma is notably at least Solar System level, which is naturally a bit higher than Multi-Cont. Even a ridiculous amount of downscaling wouldn't help Hugefry here much. 

Players. This is mostly a stand-in for player characters with Gyarados. As said earlier, a trainer like this can train a Gyarados to be able to battle even the strongest beings in the Pokemon universe, such as the Creation Trio, or even Arceus himself. Given these creatures made the infinite Pokemon multiverse to start with, I think it should be fairly clear that scaling to them at all would make Gyarados far greater than what Hugefry is capable of.

In short, amongst notable Gyarados trainers, Hugefry can beat James, whose Gyarados dumped him, or Silver, whos Gyarados has one notable battle against a fairly weak legendary. However, beyond those two, Hugefry loses to Lance, Red and Misty's Gyaradoses (Gyaradosi?), as well as notable player-trainer Pokemon. This means, in the grand scheme, Gyarados simply has a better chance of coming out on top with raw power, speed and abilities. It may seem like an Atrocity, but Gyarados will be swimming away from this battle.


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